Summer Fire Causes and Restoration: Don't Let Your Home Go Up in Flames!
6/20/2022 (Permalink)

Summer brings warm weather, barbecues, and fireflies. It also brings summer fires! Unfortunately, summer fires are the leading cause of wildfires, which can be devastating to homes and property in their vicinity. Luckily, there are simple steps you can take to protect your home from summer fires and ensure that if one does happen near you, you’re ready to deal with it quickly and safely before it becomes too big to handle on your own!
The basic facts about summer fires
Summer is a great time to take advantage of those cool nights and warm days by having cookouts, throwing open windows, or enjoying your porch. And while you’re outside enjoying your summer evening, it’s easy to forget how dangerous fires can be when they break out of control. Here are some common causes of fires that burn into the summer months (and beyond)
How to prevent a summer fire
Summer is a particularly hot and dry time of year, especially in arid parts of North America. With both your home appliances (such as air conditioners, heaters, and clothes dryers) running more frequently during these months, you are at greater risk for summer fires. As a homeowner, it’s important to be aware of certain fire risks to protect your property and possessions. Here are some tips to ensure that your home doesn’t go up in flames over the summer months.
1. Have working smoke detectors installed throughout your house. Smoke detectors can save lives and keep fires from spreading—it’s recommended that all homes have one on every floor, including basements and attics, with an additional detector near bedrooms or sleeping areas. If you are unable to install smoke detectors yourself, contact a professional fire restoration company to help you out.
2. Be careful when using space heaters, as they are common causes of fires during summer months. Always use space heaters that have been tested by a certified technician and only use them when necessary; never leave them unattended while running.
3. Check your home for any fire hazards on a regular basis. Items like trash, dead plants, or flammable items should be stored away from combustible materials like drywall, carpeting, or furniture—if you aren’t sure where to put an item safely, contact a professional fire restoration company for advice.
How to handle summer fire damage
Summer fire damage can cause some serious problems to your home. Fortunately, by hiring a fire restoration expert like SERVPRO of Manteca and Modesto, you can limit or eliminate damages to your property.
If you have experienced a fire recently, call SERVPRO of Manteca and Modesto at (209) 823-8877 right away. We will come out immediately to assess your situation, make recommendations for repairs, and begin working on cleanup as soon as possible. Our staff has years of experience with summer fire damage so we’ll know exactly what steps need to be taken for repair work that is guaranteed not only to meet but exceed all local building codes.